How Do I Add Rewards to my Projects?

Receipts for qualifying purchases can be added to your Projects in the Backpack to receive spending rebates.

When you or your contractors purchase items from our Rewards Partners, like Shaw Builder + Multifamily and Philadelphia Commercial, you can receive rebates for the purchases.

Step 1: Create a project for your building

If you haven't already created a project, login to Backpack and select the 'Projects' tab in the left-hand menu. Then click the '+Add Project' button.

Backpack project page

Enter your project details in the project pop-up window and click 'Save'.

Add new project pop out window

Step 2: Add rewards to your project

In the Projects page, click the '+Add Rewards' button in the project you would like to add rewards to. 

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 11.51.53 AM

In the pop-out window, use the drop-down menu to select the vendor for the reward, choose your payment method, click 'Upload Receipt' to upload the receipt for this reward, and acknowledge the Backpack Marketplace Terms & Conditions. The rewards pop-out window

Note: Some vendors have specific requirements for receipts they accept, please refer to the links below for more information regarding specific vendors.

Click 'Submit'.

A completed rewards pop-out window

Step 3: Receive your reward

Once you submit your rebate, it will enter a processing phase, and you can view its status in the rewards pop-out.

A processing reward

Rewards are delivered on a quarterly basis. If you have any questions while you wait on your rewards, please contact