Helpful Definitions: Projects Dashboard

This glossary provides a definition of words and terms used in the Projects Dashboard of your Backpack profile. Please note, this is not a guide to the Projects Dashboard but rather a guide to new or technical terms.

For instructions on how to use the Projects Dashboard, visit this Guide


Project Completeness

The terms below describe the status of your project(s) based on its proposed timeline. 

  • All Projects: All projects time-lined, quoted, in progress, or completed for your building.
  • Planned: All projects selected as time-lined or budgeted for your building, but have yet to be quoted.
  • Quoted: All projects selected as planned that have received budgetary or firm quotes.
  • In Progress: All projects that are underway for the building selected but have not yet been completed.
  • Completed: All projects that have finalized costs and finished implementation



The name of the projects. Ex. Lobby Floor Replacement.



The state of all projects tracked for your building. See definitions above. 

Project Category

The projects for your building as categorized by the following stages of your building and/or the steps the team is taking to improve its systems.

  • BAS upgrade: The improvement of a Building Automation System.
  • Capital Project: A project that is high in economic value, likely more costly than your other projects. This can be used as a catch-all for projects not included in other categories.
  • Controls Optimization: The improvement of the programming controls or control strategy for the building systems.
  • Equipment Replacement: The removal of old or non-function equipment, and the installation of newer in-kind or improved equipment.
  • Renovation: The improvement or refurbishment of a tenant or common space.
  • Tenant Build-Out: The remodel or improvement of a space executed by the tenant.
  • Onsite Generation: The integration, update, or improvement of electricity generation like solar panels.
  • Lighting Upgrade: The improvement of the lighting type or lighting controls.
  • Energy Storage: The installation of batteries or any other onsite energy storage.
  • Maintenance: The routine upkeep for equipment in the building.
  • EV Charging: The installation or maintenance of car charging stations for parking spots.

Budget Cost

The budget cost will depend on the status of all projects initiated for your building. This could be one of the following: estimated cost, budgeted cost, actual cost.

  • Estimated Cost: The forecasted cost prior to receiving a budgetary proposal.
  • Budgeted Cost: The cost granted to the project based on research and resource allocation, often provided by a contractor through a budgetary or firm proposal.
  • Actual Cost: The final cost once the projected has been completed.


Every project will have both a planned and completed date. The status of project will determine which date should be entered here.