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  2. Backpack Onboarding

Guide: Navigating Backpack

Navigate Backpack ease; access your data in just a few clicks!

Backpack Navigation

Main Menu

Navigating Backpack begins with the main menu on the left side of the screen.  Here you can select and view a number of areas within the software. 

Those areas are:

  • Portfolio Statistics - view the dashboard including onboarding status, links to reports and quick access to recently viewed Backpacks.
  • Onboarding Completion - view the onboarding dashboard with vital information such as site visit dates and overall completion status.
  • Reports - view onscreen and download various reports.
  • Building Selection - scroll through a list of available buildings, click on a specific building to view more details.
  • Marketplace - view opportunities within the Backpack family of products.
  • Integrations - view available integrations to enhance Backpack; currently only Energy Star integration is available.  A list of buildings integrated with Energy Star are listed here.

An addition dropdown that allows users to select a building is available at the top of the screen. 

Figure - Illustration of the software with the Main Menu boxed in red. The building selection dropdown is just above the red box with the words "Select a building".


Functionality in the Backpack Menu

  • Expand/Collapse - You have the ability to collapse, or expand, the menu at any time. Use the arrow icon next to "portfolio statistics" to expand/collapse the menu. Click the arrow icon again to expand and "pin" the menu.

  • Hover - When the menu is collapsed, you can hover over any area of the menu to expand the menu and click the desired selection

  • Section Expansion - Reports and Buildings can be expanded to show more information by clicking on the arrow next to each name 

Figure - Illustration of the left hand navigation when it is collapsed.


Figure - Illustration of the Reports section expanded


Access a single building

When you need building-specific content, there are two ways to access a building:

  • “Building Selection” in the main menu

  • "Select a building" dropdown

Building Selection

Click on "Building Selection" to expand the section; a list of the Backpack buildings specific to the user will appear.

Each building has a submenu that can be accessed after clicking the building name, the submenu includes: Overview, Utilities, Property, Submissions, Documents, Projects, Operations, and Equipment.  

Figure - “Building Selection” in the left hand navigation
Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 4.59.16 PM

Building Dropdown

The Building Dropdown & Search is accessible at the top of the screen, click anywhere in the "Select a building" box to get started.  Type the name of the building into the search bar or scroll through the dropdown. Click on the building name to access building-specific content.

Onboarding guide

To access the Onboarding Guide for a specific building:

  • Select the building from the "Building Selection" menu & click "Overview."
  • Search for Building in the building dropdown at the top of the screen & Click "Overview."

The Onboarding guide will populate at the top right of the screen.  Click on "Onboarding Guide" to expand the guide. 

Note: When navigating between buildings using the Main menu on the left side of the screen, the Onboarding Guide will update once "Overview" page is selected for the building; it will not automatically update when switching between buildings.

Figure - Access the Onboarding Guide from the top horizontal bar, after selecting a building.

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 5.04.38 PM