Guide: Documents Dashboard

The Document Dashboard allows you to track, update, and edit any and all documents for your building. From uploading a document to editing its details, you can find the simple instructions for each step below.

To Upload a Document

  • Select the grey Upload button above GROUPINGS.

  • The Upload menu will pop up.

    • Here, you will find your Document Groups. Select a preexisting group to upload your file. (KB, link to Documents glossary here and/or list out.)

    • If your document does not fit correctly into a category, place it in the ‘Other’ folder. Once a document has been uploaded it will be processed and categorized by a member of our onboarding team.’

  • Choose the green Select Folder button.

  • When computer system’s finder pops up, select the correct Document.

  • Select Open

  • You will be greeted with the Upload Details page which will let you know when your upload is successful

  • From here you can:

    • Select DONE to complete your upload.

    • Select Add More Files to upload more documents.

    • Select Cancel to exit out of this screen.

When you return to the Documents page you will find all documents uploaded in their designated folders and they will also be searchable by their name.


To Search Documents

  • Click ‘Search’ in the search bar beside the magnifying glass icon.

  • You may search with as many specifics as you would like but we recommend using a simple keyword if you’re unsure of the exact document title.

    • For example, if looking for electrical building drawings, search ‘Electrical’ to return all documents with “Electrical” in the document name.

  • You can also Filter documents with the funnel icon beside the search bar.

    • Select the funnel icon

    • From here you can choose multiple options.

      • Select All will function just like the overall search, meaning it will search through all documents. If you select too many options and need to refresh, select Clear all.

      • To filter with your chosen specifications, select FILTER.

      • To exit out of the filter options, select CANCEL

  • After conducting your search, all documents containing your Keyword(s) will populate below. If none appear, you will either need to alter your search word OR the document has not been uploaded.


To Add New Groupings

  • Choose the dark grey SELECT button on the right side of the page.

  • Select the folder icon beside the button that now says CLOSE.


To Download a Document

  • Choose the dark grey SELECT button on the right side of the page.

  • Check the box beside each document you would like to share to with your contact(s). This can be multiple documents or a single document.

  • Select the download icon.

  • Your documents will then immediately begin to download and will be accessible as defined by your operating system.


To View a Drawing or Document

  • Select the document you would like to view.

  • In the pop-up menu, select View Drawing.

  • A separate window will display an image of your drawing/document.


To Edit Drawing Details

  • Select the document you would like to view. 

  • In the pop-up menu, you can do the following:

    • Edit Drawing Name.

    • Change Type with Type drop-down menu.

    • Move the drawing/document to another Grouping by selecting from the Move To drop-down menu.

    • Add any comments or specifications to the Notes section.

    • Specify Page Number for drawings that show up within a larger document. Within the pop-up you can add the note and the page number. A page number is required to save special info for a document.

  • To confirm your edits select SAVE.

  • To remove the document completely select the red Delete Drawing option.

  • To exit out of the Drawing Details menu without saving, select Cancel.


To Edit Drawing Details of Multiple Drawings/Documents

  • Select the Edit Icon (pencil image) on the right side of the page.

  • All documents will now become editable without clicking into them.

  • To change the category of your document, click the Category drown-down menu and select from your options.

  • To add notes or comments, select the box under Special Info.

  • Here you can either:

    • Add a comment in Type Your Note… OR

    • Add the correct Page Number for your drawing within a larger document.

  • To confirm your edits, select SAVE EDITS.

  • To exit out of the Drawing Details menu without saving, select CANCEL.