Guide: Building Overview Dashboard

In your Building Overview Dashboard, you will be able to see and edit all general information for your building as well as view, add, and edit any partners.

For definitions of terms included in this guide, visit the Overview Glossary.

Navigating the Page
  • The top panel provides a general overview for the following information about your building.

    • Name

    • Legal Name

    • Address

    • Property Type

    • Gross Sq. Footage

    • Rentable Sq. Footage

    • Year Constructed

  • In the same panel, you will find information on ownership, including:

    • Percent (%) of ownership

    • Entity Name


  • In the panel beneath general ownership you will find the partner and users panel.

    • The first tab within this panel, All, includes information on both partners and users.

    • The second tab includes only partners.

    • The third tab includes only users.


To Edit and See More Building Information
  • Click into any box in your Building’s information panel. Including:
    • Name

    • Legal Name

    • Address

    • Property Type

    • Gross Sq. Footage

    • Rentable Sq. Footage

    • Year Constructed

  • The View Data panel will pop up on your screen. Here you will find more detailed information for any of the categories listed above and the ability to change them. 

The View Data Panel (System of Record)

  • The View Data panel gives you detailed information on the following:
    • Name (Read-Only)
    • Legal Name
    • Address
    • Property Type
    • Gross Sq. Footage
    • Rentable Sq. Footage
  • You can navigate through this date by switching through the tabs listed at the top of the panel.


To change information in any category

  • To change the value of the selected category select + Add Value.


  • If you’re unsure of what the category is referring to, there is a description provided for each category the value.
  • A new green panel will pop up. Click into the Type in… box to update the information OR select the drop-down menu to choose a value. 

    • To confirm your changes, select SAVE.

    • To back out of changing the information, select CANCEL.

    • To exit out of this panel, select the X.



  • Until other sources have been integrated into your Backpack, your Current Source for information will be User Input. In the near future Backpack will be connected to other sources of building information like Energy Star. This means you will be able to can and compare all building data in one place.

  • Changes in Data Values

    • Here, you will find a graph that incorporates data value changes from all Sources. The graph will become available when there are at least 2 historical data points in the selected source.


  • History

    • Here, you will find a list that incorporates data value changes from all Sources.


To Edit and Add Ownership Information

To Edit Ownership Information

  • Hover over the Entity you would like to edit.

  • Select the Edit (pencil) button.

    • In the resulting menu, type in any new information for the Owner including:

      • Percentage of ownership

      • Entity name


Select SAVE to confirm changes.

  • Select CANCEL to back out of changes.

  • Select the trash icon to delete the owner.


To Add an Owner

  • Select the + Button

    • In the resulting menu, type in the following:

      • Percentage of ownership

      • Entity name

    • Select SAVE to confirm changes.

      • Select CANCEL to back out of changes.

      • Select the trash icon to delete the owner.


The Partners and Users Panel
  • To Edit a Partner

    • Either in the All, Partners, or Users tab, click the partner you would like to edit.

    • Enter new information for any of the following. Please keep in mind all fields are required besides a phone number.

      • Company

      • Email

      • Contact Name

      • Phone Number

    • Select SAVE to confirm changes.

      • Select CANCEL to back out of changes.

      • Select Delete Partner to delete the partner.


To Add a Partner

  • Select the + Add Partner button.

    • Enter information for all of the following. Please keep in mind all fields are required besides a phone number.

      • Company

      • Email

      • Contact Name

      • Phone Number (Optional)

    • Select ADD to confirm changes.

      • Select CANCEL to back out of changes.
