Here you will find details about the major pieces of equipment in your building, including how that data is collected & maintained in your Backpack.
Your equipment list contains a lot of key information about various types of equipment related to your building. Most commonly, Backpack tracks AHUs, RTUs, chillers, boilers, fans, etc. For each piece of equipment, we collect the following information while on site to display in the equipment list:
- Name, location, and type of equipment
- Unit make & model
- Photos of each piece of equipment, and associated name plates
- Estimated/actual installation date
In addition we place a QR code sticker on the equipment to track these details.
After the data is collected and uploaded into your Backpack you will be able to:
- Estimated remaining useful life of each piece of equipment, when data allows. If there is no serial number or identifying information to confirm the age of the equipment there will be no associated usable life. The Property team can confirm install date in the absence of other data sources.
- Links and attachments to each identifiable piece of equipment including specs, manuals etc. for easy access.
- Download all data into an excel file with pictures downloaded individually or via PDF.
The equipment list is a valuable tool for capital planning as it allows for teams to see a snapshot of all equipment coming up on its remaining useful life and plan for upgrades or replacements. We can even assist with those large projects using our Marketplace!
Backpack conducts an annual site visit to maintain and update your equipment list. During this visit our technician will confirm the current list as well as make updates to any new or replacement equipment. We can also note an upcoming project for equipment replacement and follow-up with the property team when it is time to update the list.
To View a Building Equipment List:
Step 1:
Select a building from the dropdown menu and use the left side navigation to view the 'EQUIPMENT' page.
To Download a Building Equipment List:
Step 1:
Select a building from the dropdown menu and use the left side navigation to view the 'EQUIPMENT' page. Step 2:
Select the 3 dot menu to expand the drop down, or select 'DOWNLOAD CSV' in the bottom right-hand corner to download a CSV file of the data (no pictures). Click "PRINT VIEW" for a PDF Version with pictures. Individual pictures can be downloaded by clicking on the picture and selecting the download button. If you need to download this list in any other format please reach out to our support team.