The new Environmental Impact Dashboard makes it easy for users to view data at a portfolio & building level. The dashboard distills your Backpack data into a comprehensive rollup that make understanding, using and reporting on these metrics simple!
Collecting energy data from a portfolio can be challenging due to the volume of information and coordination required. The new Environmental Impact Dashboard simplifies tracking GHG emissions across your portfolio with the following benefits:
Automated on demand portfolio-level GHG calculations and tracking
Normalized monthly snapshot of utility data, including what is missing
Easily exportable & validated metrics for use in reporting and disclosure requirements
Learn how to view your Environmental Impact Dashboard.
Learn how to understand your Environmental Impact Dashboard.
Learn how to understand your Energy Data Summary.
Learn how to filter your Environmental Impact Dashboard.
Learn how to download data from your Environmental Impact Dashboard.
Let's start with the basics, what does tracking GHG metrics mean and why does it matter?
Tracking of GHG emissions can be thought of as a key performance indicator of utility benchmarking data & is a uniform way to measure performance across a portfolio. It is often used for ESG initiatives and annual requirements such as reporting, public disclosures, Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPs), and more.
What does MTCO2E stand for?
Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
Learn how GHG Emissions are Calculated in Backpack.
There are two main use cases for GHG emissions tracking:
- Public reporting and disclosure
- Compliance requirements
The focus of this new dashboard is to make public reporting and disclosure easier. The dashboard reduces time users spend collecting, calculating, and reporting GHG, energy, and water metrics. By identifying the missing data, the dashboard also reduces time spent identifying issues and general management of utility data. Users can be confident in the accuracy and credibility of their data, and the GHG calculations presented in the dashboard.
Learn more information about the terms and definitions associated with GHG Emissions
Viewing the Environmental Impact Dashboard:
Login to Backpack, and navigate to the left hand menu. Select the 'ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT' tab.
The report will populate for your portfolio.
Understanding the Environmental Impact Dashboard:
Total Emissions Chart:
The chart at the top of the page displays the total emissions for your portfolio, notated in the center of the pie chart on the left & the coverage by scope legend next to the pie chart (Scope 1, 2 & 3). Total emissions is the sum of the Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions across your portfolio.
You can hover over a section of the chart to display the scope breakdown.
To Filter the Environmental Impact Dashboard:
You can filter the dashboard by Building(s) and dates, this allows the you to look at sections of the portfolio for specific timeframes. Reports can be generated with the selected filters or the default mode.
Note: The dashboard defaults to selecting all buildings in the portfolio & for data corresponding to the last 12 months.
To filter data find the 'FILTER' button & date dropdown fields to the right of the Portfolio Summary heading.
You can filter by:
BUILDING(S): After you click the FILTER button, a list of buildings in your portfolio will display in the dropdown menu. Select all or, select only the buildings you wish to see in the metrics displayed. Select apply and the dashboard will display data based on this new filter.
DATE: Click the dropdown next to the 'FILTER' button and select your desired period from the choices provided.
Once data is filtered, all exports & reports will show only the filtered data. To return to the defaults or make another selection repeat the steps above. You can also refresh the page to return to the system default.
Understanding the Energy Data Summary:
The Energy Data Summary displays a bar graph of electricity and gas data across your portfolio. Data is displayed in three colors to indicate the completeness of the data behind the metrics. This bar chart visually represents your data and allows you to quickly see where there may be gaps in the data.
Months are displayed in three colors:
- Green - data is complete for all buildings selected, all Backpack connected data has been received
- Grey - data is missing & has been for over 2 months
- Yellow - data is not yet considered missing, but may be if not received soon.
Below is an example of a portfolio of 14 buildings and the monthly data. Our example uses all three status colors - green, grey and yellow. Here is how to interpret the data:
- April - August bars on the graph are green and the bar graph goes almost the the "15" on the property count. This means for each of these months, all data is received for all 14 buildings. Nothing to do here, your data is healthy!
- September - February bars on the graph are grey and they are various sizes. This indicates for each month data is missing across multiple buildings. To understand what is missing hover over the month bar to see details about what is missing. Click on a month bar to display a list of buildings with incomplete energy data (examples below). The grey indicates there maybe some additional data that needs to be collected. Contact us at for more information.
- March bar on the graph is yellow and very small. We can deduce from this visual that a lot of data is missing for many buildings. Hover or click to see more information. The yellow indicates there is a lot of work to do to get complete data, contact us at to get the status of your data.
Example of hovering over the bar:
Example of Clicking the Bar to display the buildings:
Portfolio Emissions and Utility Breakdown:
The portfolio view displays a breakdown of the total amount of Emissions, and consumption for each utility type across your portfolio.
Note: Hover over the ⓘ icon for each metric to read about how that metric is calculated.
Total Portfolio Metrics: This section displays the emissions intensity for your portfolio overall. You will also see a sum of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for your portfolio.
Finally the dashboard displays the emissions factor - which is the method utilized to calculate all the values you see here.
The Emissions intensity is calculated by dividing the total emissions by the total square footage of the selected buildings or portfolio. The Total sqft is displayed at the bottom left, under Total Property Count.
Total Energy Metrics: This displays the summation of energy consumption (electric & gas) across the selected buildings or portfolio. You will also see the selected building or portfolio Energy Consumption Intensity, as well as the total property count included in the calculation.
Note: Properties that have opted-out of energy utility services are excluded from these environmental metrics. To determine if any buildings are opted-out compare the total buildings & square foot to your portfolio or selection. If you are unsure or have questions reach out to us at
Total Water Metrics: This displays the summation of water consumption across the selected buildings or portfolio. You will also see your portfolio Water Consumption Intensity, as well as the total property count included in the calculation.
Note: Properties that have opted-out of water utility services are excluded from these environmental metrics. To determine if any buildings are opted-out compare the total buildings & square foot to your portfolio or selection. If you are unsure or have questions reach out to us at
Property Data Status List
Below the total emissions metrics you will see a list of properties included in the metrics above. This list is filtered based on the data selections at the top of the dashboard. This list displays important building information and whether or not the properties energy and water data are up to date.
Note: Click on the building row to expand the view to see more information.
Any buildings that are missing energy or water utilities will show with an 'INCOMPLETE' status.
Click into the 'INCOMPLETE' button to view what's missing.
If you don't see anything incomplete, great! If you do see something incomplete, let us know at
How To Download the Environmental Impact Dashboard Data:
From the main dashboard, first confirm the filters are set to your desired parameters. You can change the date range & buildings you would like to report on or leave the default settings. Learn more about filters HERE.
Note: The dashboard defaults to selecting all buildings & for data corresponding to the last 12 months.
Select the download icon. A CSV file of your portfolio data will download. This can be used in any way you might need - pivot tables, charts, etc. Coming soon, you'll be able to download a PDF of the report!
Have questions? Contact us at